As a parent of two Chariho students, it's my duty to help them thrive. As a Chariho School Committee member, I serve to keep our schools strong and continually improving. All students deserve a comprehensive education that delivers the basics and beyond.Chariho schools are vitally important to the health of our community. Strong schools not only serve our youngest residents but they support the local economy, and boost property values. The benefits of quality public education have a positive impact on individuals and our society as a whole.We need a School Committee with a focus on students first. We need a School Committee that collaborates with stakeholders and school leaders to keep Chariho moving forward.We need moms like me.


I am proud to serve our regional school district as a School Committee Member, a public position of community service. Like many residents in Chariho, I hold the conviction that our children deserve a quality public education.The whole community prospers when we share strong educational values and work together to address the real challenges of our schools, students, and staff. Together we can strengthen our school system to move Chariho forward in service of our students and our community.I serve the Chariho School Committee and community through my top four goals:

  • Prioritize students

  • Value teachers and staff

  • Collaborate with community

  • Protect public education

I developed these goals during my 2022 campaign while canvassing in the community to share my ideas and listen to the concerns of residents.Although I lost narrowly by 28 votes, a vacancy opened two months after the election. The Richmond Charter specifies that vacancies be filled by the "unelected candidate who received the greatest number of votes for that office in the most recent election."However, three Town Councilors chose not to appoint me, a mistake that cost Richmond taxpayers over $20,000. They violated their oath of office to obey the Charter by dismissing a clear and specific procedure. They dismissed the will of the voters by installing their own candidate.I fought back against those who tried to block my lawful appointment to the School Committee.Through my successful petition to the RI Supreme Court, I set the precedent that elected leaders in Richmond have a responsibility to serve all residents, not just those that share their political affiliation.I will keep fighting for our schools, students, and staff.


As a parent, I am a partner to the school district. Not only do I represent families like mine, but I am a respectful partner to all stakeholders.I am actively pursuing and fulfilling these promises. It is my deeds, not only my words that show the true measure of my leadership and service:

  • Prioritize students: Students are the heart of our schools, and they are my top priority as a School Committee member. In accordance with the first principle of our Ethics Code, I recognize that our first and greatest concern must be the educational welfare of the students attending the public schools. – I advocate against budget cuts that could have a negative impact on our schools. – By touring school buildings, I have developed a deeper understanding of infrastructure demands and needs for improvement. As an active volunteer in our schools, I have firsthand experience with the students I serve. – I introduced an initiative for the Chariho School Committee to have a Student Representative and Liaison that would ensure students have a voice in policies that affect their school days.

  • Value teachers and staff: Chariho employees build the foundation of care and education in our schools. We cannot have a successful school system without a dedicated workforce, and I reject the label of "fixed costs" when it is applied to our educators, support professionals, and district leaders. Chariho is one of the largest employers in the area, and many staff members are also neighbors in our community. – Aside from participating in professional development, I have experience with many employees who go above and beyond to continually exceed expectations and deliver for our kids. – I support the collective bargaining rights of employees. – My mother was a high school custodian, and her 20-year career provided a personal example of how public schools provide steady and meaningful employment for working people.

  • Collaborate with community: Chariho connects us. As a School Committee Member, I act in service to all three of the towns that created Chariho. The regional aspect of our School District is our greatest asset and strength, which enables us to provide a wider diversity of learning opportunities for all students. – During public meetings, and on my personal time, communication with constituents is very important. I share pertinent information about Chariho and the work of the School Committee on a regular basis through social media platforms, email, and letters-to-the-editor. – I host “Chariho Neighbors Forums,” where residents are welcome to meet with me to share thoughts and concerns. I am available through email, and respond in a timely fashion. – I work to foster collaborative relationships with state and federal representation, which play an important role in providing institutional and financial support for Chariho and public education.

  • Protect public education: Public schools are a cornerstone of our democratic country and ensure that all children have the opportunity and freedom to learn, regardless of their backgrounds. It is a patriotic obligation to educate our children. All are free to express their opinions and concerns, and I encourage and empower residents to focus on local and specific matters. We must work together to deliver on the true needs of Chariho students. A successful collective investment in Chariho relies not only on funding but also community support and respect.


I met Karen Reynolds in the fall of 2021 at a Richmond Town Council Meeting. We were the only two candidates that applied for a vacant seat on the Chariho School Committee. Karen was chosen to fill the vacancy by the Town Council, and has brought her experience and perspective to the School Committee, serving as an advocate for Chariho schools.Karen Reynolds has been an educator for 30 years, and currently teaches 7th grade in Exeter-West Greenwich School District. She is the parent of two Chariho graduates, and currently has a third child enrolled in the Middle School.Karen knows that now is the time to step off the sidelines and campaign to keep her seat on the School Committee. Like many residents in Richmond, Karen understands that the true role of the School Committee is to work together for our students and our schools, and not to battle against teachers, staff, and administration.Since we both applied for the same seat in 2021, Karen and I have observed organized opposition to the Chariho budget, and other District initiatives.The leaders of this opposition feed the flames of cultural and generational divides, and spread disinformation as a means to sow distrust in our successful regional school district. They organized to abuse the power of elected cronies and attempted a takeover of the School Committee in January 2023, but were denied due to my petition to the Supreme Court. Now they are attempting to commandeer the School Committee by campaigning for our seats.Please support us as we campaign to keep our seats. Chariho families deserve representation from parents that have children in our schools.



  • instill the foundational importance of reading and math

  • foster an inclusive school ecosystem that supports all students, teachers, and staff

  • adequate support staff at every school

  • encourage student-led initiatives and amplify student voices

  • peer-to-peer tutoring and support

  • support for educational and extracurricular opportunities that recognize and celebrate the diversity of students being served

  • provide a safe environment for all students, teachers, and staff that includes a focus on public health

  • mental health awareness and support

  • continue the discussion about how family and community partnership can decrease incidences of bullying and discrimination

  • encourage a community conversation about the impact of smart phones and social media on adolescent students, especially those in middle school

  • continued voc-tech opportunities with bridges to career pathways

  • project-based learning and hands-on opportunities

  • global citizenry and civics education

  • grow and expand early childhood education opportunities

collaborative partnerships to move chariho forward

  • engage in conversations with teachers, staff, school leaders, families, and community members

  • be an active listener and learner

  • learn about the history of Chariho to achieve a deeper understanding of the present moment

  • honor the legacy and standards set by Barry Ricci

  • encourage engagement and share information about the yearly budget process and referendum

  • acknowledge and respect personal fiscal concerns in regards to the school budget

  • practice fiscal responsibility in regards to allocating resources based on legal requirements, and needs-based assessment

  • be aware of federal and state laws and regulations that affect the operation of public schools

  • increase awareness about important aspects of public school funding and make connections with state and federal legislators to address funding challenges

community engagement + stable leadership

  • empower residents by sharing information that is accurate

  • act as a cooperative member of the committee who behaves respectfully and professionally

  • meet personal standards to be effective and efficient in public meetings

  • fulfill commitment to attend school committee meetings, subcommittee meetings, and additional relevant or adjacent community meetings

  • follow the code of basic management principles and ethical standards for school committee members

  • be attentive to competing demands of stakeholders

  • provide opportunites for community engagement and involvement


Graphic Designer + Art Director
Workwell Creative Studio
Hope Valley, RI
As a self-employed graphic designer, I maintain collaborative partnerships with my clients while helping them meet their visual communication needs.Chariho School Committee Member
Appointed in July 2023 after a successful 6-month battle that held town leaders and political associates to account for violating the Town Charter and dismissing the will of voters.
I serve on these subcommittees:

  • Health and Wellness Subcommittee, Chairwoman

  • Policy Subcommittee

  • Budget Subcommittee

  • Safety Team at Richmond Elementary

I am an active parent volunteer in Chariho schools, and have served in multiple roles over the last several years.

  • School Improvement Team at Richmond Elementary

  • BOKS Intramural Coach for four sessions, leading students in a before-school movement program

  • Volunteer with the Food Ambassador program

  • Volunteer with the Green Team program

  • Volunteer with the Richmond Reads program

  • Enthusiastic and frequent chaperone on field trips

As a member of the RDTC, I organize events that include Community Conversations, State Leader Series, School Snacks Drives to benefit RICAN, Town Clean-Ups, and Fundraisers. Many of our members serve on Richmond's Boards and Commissions, and I serve as a member of Richmond's Affordable Housing Committee.I further engage in our community through support and membership with Richmond Historical Society, Wood-Pawcatuck Watershed Association, South County League of Women Voters, Ocean Community YMCA, and Narragansett BSA/Pack 1 Richmond.

I organized for multiple years through the Friends of Chariho, sharing news and information about the Chariho Regional School District, and its students, while advocating for public school funding. While I was in a leadership position, we raised funds for Chariho library books, collected Thanksgiving food donations for RICAN, and began a volunteer reading tutor program.


My mother and I started high school the same year. I was starting as a freshman and she was starting as a custodian. My mother was a valuable and necessary asset to the school, and a friend to many students in addition to her co-workers. She was able to provide for our family as a single mother while earning the benefits of health insurance, sick time and paid time off, and a retirement plan. When my mother was diagnosed with a terminal illness, our burden was eased by her disability insurance and early retirement funds that allowed us to take good care of her while meeting all financial needs.My mother's experience taught me firsthand how public schools provide opportunities for secure and local employment that also provides the benefits that working families need and deserve.My most memorable experiences as a public school student were in the creative realms of art and enrichment classes, and in the opportunities when I could help others. I vividly remember reading aloud to other students through peer-to-peer tutoring. Similar to students in the Chariho Tech program, I discovered my career path through my high school's vocational program. It was there that my own blend of practical and creative tendencies found an avenue to a future career in graphic design.


Our community is amazing because of people like you. Let’s partner together to meet the demands of this moment and help build a bright future for the next generation. The regional aspect of Chariho is our greatest asset, and the benefit will grow when we work together.

© Photography and text is property of Jessica Purcell // Paid for by contributions made to the Friends of Jess Purcell